A superb repertoire of 29 pieces edited and arranged for classical guitar in standard notation by John Zaradin. An excellent addition to the popular Joy of... series. Includes: Air on a G String (Bach) · Pastorale (Mozart) · LaPaloma (Iradier) · La Cumparsita (Rodriguez) · and more.
- 1. Air On The G String (Orchestral Suite No.3 In D) [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
- 2. Clavelitos (Traditional)
- 3. Corriente (Academio Calignoso)
- 4. Corrientes & Variations (Academio Calignoso)
- 5. El Choclo [Villoldo, Angel G.]
- 6. El Relicario (Jose Padilla)
- 7. Fantasia (Academio Calignoso)
- 8. Gavotte [Turk, Daniel Gottlob]
- 9. Il Carnevale Di Venezia (Julius Benedict)
- 10. J'ai Perdu Mon Euridice (Christoph Willibald Gluck)
- 11. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (Cantata BWV 147)
- 12. La Cumparsita (Moises Simons Rodriguez)
- 13. La Donna E Mobile (Rigoletto) [Verdi, Giuseppe]
- 14. La Partida (Traditional)
- 15. La Rosca (Academio Calignoso)
- 16. Menuet (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- 17. Pastorale (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- 18. Prelude No 20 (Frederic Chopin)
- 19. Prelude No 6 (Frederic Chopin)
- 20. Prelude No 7 (Frederic Chopin)
- 21. Romanian Folksong No 1 (Traditional)
- 22. Romanian Folksong No 2 (Traditional)
- 23. Saltarella (Academio Calignoso)
- 24. Santa Lucia [Cottrau, Teodoro]
- 25. Sonata In B Minor (Domenico Cimarosa)
- 26. Sonata In G Major (Domenico Cimarosa)
- 27. Sonatina (Ludwig Van Beethoven)
- 28. The Dove (La Paloma) [Yradier, Sebastian]
- 29. Un Di Soletto (Peri)